Naomi Braine

I have many memories of Melanie — in countless Jews for Racial and Economic Justice meetings, in demonstrations of various kinds, and in coffee shops or small restaurants in various parts of the city.  She was such a solid presence in JFREJ for so long, reminding the board in key moments to trust and work with the members. We probably saw each other the most in the early 2000s, when we were on the JFREJ board together and stood with Women in Black at Union Square week after week, kibbitzing quietly in the face of right-wing Zionist counter-protesters. She understood that sometimes, when all hell is breaking loose around you, the best way to stay standing and maintain the resistance was to schmooze with friends while holding a sign in your hands.

Miss you Mel. Much love to Leslie.

—Naomi Braine, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice